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MetaRelating Endorsements

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Björn Schneider

Holacracy & Agile Coach

Hypoport SE

I attended the first MetaRelating Training and was shocked on the first day. How could one benefit from such trivial input? But slowly, I realized what Michael offered: this was the first time someone had tied together a complete package where the content shows you how to build good relations.

Michael supported my journey with his humble, rigorous, and entertaining explanations. After one week, it was clear to me that MetaRelating is a perfect fit with Holacracy. They both play together well. I’m thankful for these insights and wish for the best in the impact I believe Michael and MetaRelating can have on the world.

Brian Robertson

Founding Member & Partner


Improve your relational skills, and watch nearly everything else in life and business get easier; Porch is an exemplar of gracefully modeling those skills and is masterful at teaching others both the art and science of more authentic and effective relating.

With MetaRelating, Holacracy practitioners will find an approach to addressing interpersonal tensions that complement self-management.

Casey Capshaw

Director of Operations

Strata Identity

Porch has done an expert job at distilling the complexities of human relations to a simple, straightforward and teachable system.

Not only that, he's taken these lessons out of the world of early-adopter, relationship geeks, and translated it to the imminently practical world of relationships within the organization. Anyone can learn these skills following MetaRelating and quickly process organizational and relational tensions, keeping these out of the way of purpose-driven productivity.

Conflicts WILL happen in high-performing teams. HOW we work with these conflict determines how efficient and effective we can be as teammates, subordinates and leaders.I highly recommend MetaRelating for anyone wanting to up their game and be massively more effective.

Dr. Chris Cowan



I can’t speak highly enough about Porch as an expert in relational communication. His authenticity and empathy are apparent in his facilitation and coaching, but he also brings the right amount of keen insight to cut through a lot of the BS we usually settle for. I believe Porch's approach to relational practices with MetaRelating can revolutionize workplace dynamics, leading to enhanced teamwork, increased productivity, and improved employee well-being.

I am grateful for the positive impact Porch has had on my life and work, and I highly recommend his services to anyone seeking to improve their relational skills and create meaningful connections.

Dr. Susan Campbell, Ph.D.

Trainer, Consultant, Author

Michael Porcelli is one of the most gifted trainer-facilitator-consultants I know. He has put together a body of work, MetaRelating, that should be required communication training in any setting where groups of people need to work together toward a common goal.

The tools and skills he provides in his work are solid, practical, and field-tested. In these times, where getting work done depends on relational capacities like honest feedback, trust, and a leader’s self-awareness, workgroups need a coherent body of practices to guide their working relationships.

Besides all this, Michael has a wonderful sense of humor, so learning from him is as fun as it is informative.

Evangeline Wick

Having learned from Michael Porcelli as a course leader and facilitator, I can attest to his professionalism, attunement, presence, and exquisite communication and delivery. He has the innate ability to make difficult concepts easy to grasp for differing skill levels and learning styles, with an affable, relatable, and down-to-earth vibe and a large measure of good humor.

I’ve known Porch over the years and have witnessed him building the MetaRelating curriculum in-depth. Through my own background in Circling and Authentic Relating, I believe it's w well-developed approach to increasing people’s capacities in interpersonal areas. I also know from experience his character is of great integrity, thoughtfulness, and kindness.

Jana Wilder & Molly Strong


Meet Your Magic

Michael Porcelli has codified some of the most mystifying and challenging conversations that emerge in any relational field. We are co-founders, and we are life partners.

Michael’s MetaRelating tools have been instrumental in enabling us to create a vibrant, highly-functional, loving, and truly evolutionary experience in our partnership across all of our contexts.  We use his frameworks to help our clients understand the importance of the relational aspects of working together and to help them navigate relational tensions.

Michael is our most trusted relational advisor - fully embodied in his content and finely attuned to his audience. We have been on the receiving end of his genius many times. As a result, we have experienced personal and interpersonal upgrades that have made our lives more peaceful, rich, and dynamic.

Joshua Zader


Relateful Tuscon

Bottom line? I highly recommend learning from Michael Porcelli.

Over the years I’ve enjoyed him as a coach, facilitator, community leader, and now friend. He has supported me in navigating sensitive issues in my intimate relationships and in understanding myself better. I also appreciate his insight into the social issues of our time. As a clinical psychologist by training and a facilitator of public events, I have learned a lot from Porch as well as from his students. I’ve grown as a leader from his example.

Porch has a grounded, big-hearted presence and an uncommon degree of nuance and precision in his communication. He can articulate a diverse range of perspectives in a clear and down-to-earth style. With MetaRelating, he provides a complete set of “best practices” for building and maintaining strong and healthy relationships. A relationship of any significance—whether at work or in your personal life—is bound to hit rough territory sooner or later.

If you find yourself overwhelmed or bewildered by the complexity of interpersonal dynamics, MetaRelating will equip you with the tools you need.

Kendra Cunov

Practioner, Coach, and Facilitator of Relational, Embodiment, and Intimacy work

I have had the pleasure of calling Michael Porcelli both colleague and friend for the better part of the last 15 years. We worked intimately together within Authentic World and co-created & co-led some of my favorite authentic relating programs — key elements of which find fresh ground in MetaRelating.

Michael is an exceptional teacher & facilitator, with the capacity to truly hold multiple perspectives simultaneously and guide people and teams through the most challenging conversations and decisions. There is no one I would recommend more highly to learn relational communication skills from. Any organization, team, or business would be lucky to have his support in creating their relational culture.

Kevin O'Melley

Senior Product Lead

Signant Health

For over a decade, Porch has been my “go-to” for helping me make sense of my intellectual and emotional spider’s web. I trust him at my most vulnerable because of his unmatched ability to explore thoughts, emotions, biases, and shame with skill and kindness.

I have done quite a bit of work in the areas of emotional intelligence and authentic communication, yet I continue improving my daily interactions with Porch’s support.

Things can get muddy or personal in a workplace that values technical thinking and logical consistency over people skills. Working with Michael has helped me value multiple communication styles, understanding better what my colleagues need to be heard. In the thick of it, I can slow down and create space for others to join me in addressing what’s really going on.

I admire Michael’s ability to synthesize multiple disciplines, perspectives, and learning styles into his approach. From our time as colleagues leading workshops, I have watched him apply his breadth of knowledge to hone and iterate over the years until the resulting product is relatable, effective, and powerful. MetaRelating provides a communication framework that is valuable to have in place for when relationships get challenging.

Porch is one of the best teachers I’ve known. I trust and respect him. My life is richer for having known and worked with him.

Mark Wagner, Ph.D.


ARES Learning

Michael Porcelli is a gifted communicator and bridge builder - and he's found a way to share his gifts with others. His techniques help ensure not only that you hear what others are saying... but also that they receive the feedback they need to feel heard and valued. For those of us accustomed to a fast-paced to-do-list-driven workday, Porcelli's MetaRelating process is a good reminder to slow down, to be deliberate in connecting with others, and to be thoughtful in our own requests.

His focus on our common humanity even helps overcome cultural and political divides. Bringing him in helped our team deal with difficult issues that had been festering below the surface threatening an otherwise positive culture. And, his techniques are helpful at home in communicating with my kids and my spouse, especially when they're frustrated - or when I am. Metarelating workshops are an investment in all your relationships.

Rachel Browne

Holistic Marketing Strategist

Emergent Voice

I love Michael Porcelli. He's an inspirational facilitator, an artful communicator and a truly compassionate human being.

I'm so grateful for the skills he taught me through MetaRelating and how they help me navigate the complexity of the world, both personally and professionally. I feel more confident, competent and open-hearted as a result, and love putting the practices to work in my life.

Robbie Carlton

Host of The Sane and Miraculous podcast

My colleague and dear friend Michael “Big P” Porcelli is a man with a brilliant mind and a gigantic heart. His presence is like a cloud of good will, run through with veins of steel precision and clarity.

He’s a master facilitator who provides clear instruction and understandable and easily applicable techniques while creating an atmosphere like a big happy family dinner. I strongly recommend you take the first opportunity you can to experience his work.

Robert MacNaughton

Executive Coach and Facilitator

Neuberg Gore & Integral Centered

Humanity’s problems are in our faces daily. The underlying issue impeding our progress with all of them is the inability to coordinate effectively — to communicate and work together without our human frailties mucking things up. In my work in organizational development, across the board, this is the common failure point, and it’s a solvable problem.

Michael Porcelli has been a leader in the field of relational leadership since before such a field existed. He pioneered what actually works for interpersonal development, experiencing the limitations and incompatibilities with the best methodologies first-hand and acting as the chief architect behind the scenes of the latest waves of new practices and systems for fostering relational intelligence.

Porcelli now brings the key missing ingredient — a practical synthesis of the capabilities needed for leveling up our communication and coordination. Stripped of needless new-age baggage and safeguarded from common pitfalls, MetaRelating offers a potent solution for today’s issues. The timing couldn’t be more appropriate for a masterfully designed toolkit built to address the hemorrhaging needs of people trying to get along and work together effectively.

Sara Ness

Founder & Chief Catalyst

Authentic Revolution

Michael Porcelli is the secret sauce behind a whole era of relational genius. His teaching helped inspire me to structure and grow my business to tens of thousands of followers, all across the globe.

I am impressed by how, in this new offering, Porcelli has managed to distill complex communication practices into a simple (and very well designed!) framework.

If you're looking to improve your communication culture, I don't think you can find a better resource than him.

Simon D’Arcy

Senior Partner & Co-Author, “Scale Without Losing Your Soul”


Bravo Porch!

You have created a framework and way of facilitating relational skills that is accessible, insightful, and highly transmittable. You have applied your system thinking brain with your ability to translate for the engineering mind, a much-needed skillset that — when present — can shift team and company culture. This should become a go-to training resource for companies with a high technical employee base.

Tamra Rutherford

Consciousness Coach

Inner Life Explorations

I’ve had the privilege to experience Porch, first in training as a relational facilitator, then as a teammate, and now as a friend. He brings a grounded presence, clarity of thought, and compassionate interest to those he works with. I trust him as a leader because I’ve witnessed how he genuinely puts into practice what he promotes and teaches, whether he’s speaking to a full room or sitting across my table.

Since bringing the relational dimension explicitly to my work as a coach and facilitator, I more readily deepen my connection with clients. The skills I’ve learned from Porch have enriched my friendships and, my intimate partner and I now regularly host community gatherings in our home with others to consciously practice MetaRelating.

Tataya Bailey

Founder, Lead Facilitator, Integral Master Coach

Prisma Leadership

At our retreats, we bring together people ready to take their development to their edge and beyond. In this environment, emotions run high and range all over. As the founder and lead facilitator, I'm looking for ways to fortify and expand what we deliver. The MetaRelating training gave me clear and systematic communication practices I could apply immediately.

Both our facilitators and participants need ways to address relational tensions that inevitably arise while doing deep work together. Through his grounded facilitation and brilliant mind, Porch supported Prisma Leadership in laying the foundation for healthy communication that supports and empowers each person in contributing to our thriving community of practice.

Wouter Slegers

Founder & CEO


High-stakes conversations, founded on trust, are essential to delivering cybersecurity certification with a predictable and efficient schedule. We must navigate technical discussions under time pressure with significant business impacts. Emotions and conflicts flare up under these conditions, and effectively working with these makes all the difference.

As both a CEO and a former facilitator of relational and communication practices, I’ve been on the lookout for effective and business-friendly ways to develop my hardcore geeks into even more formidable certifiers. MetaRelating has given us practical skills for handling a variety of mission-critical situations. Michael Porcelli has done a superb job of distilling what’s important to interpersonal dynamics into a practical and learnable framework in a language that fits us, geeks, just right.

If you are looking to deepen your business relationships even in what seems like conflict in the moment, I highly advise MetaRelating.