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About Us

There is more to us than meets the eye

Michael Porcelli “Porch”


I spent much of my early career feeling dissatisfied with my workplace and professional relationships.

As a software engineer, I moved from company to company, thinking it wasn't the right product, vision, management, or team. I did the rounds in every different kind of environment - startups, corporations, mission-based organizations - but nothing ever felt quite right.

Eventually, I came to recognize two key factors to in my dissatisfaction:

First, I was uncomfortable with myself, which wasn’t easy to admit. I wanted to be seen as intelligent, innovative, and impressive, so I tried to hide the places where I didn't feel competent. Little by little, presenting myself like this grew into a well-rehearsed lack of authenticity. This subverted my ability to experience the meaning, belonging, or sense of accomplishment I wanted so badly.

Second, I was turning people off by how I was communicating. I didn't fully listen to others and was oblivious to the impact I was having on them. I'd get into disagreements where instead of understanding and appreciating where others were coming from and learning to work together as a team, I'd try explaining harder.

I set out to overcome this chronic dissatisfaction with my professional life. I recognized I needed to get over my underlying fears of criticism, disappointment, and being seen as unqualified. And I had to learn healthier and more effective ways to communicate.

So I did. When I learned how to attend to the quality of my relationships and take responsibility for the impact I was having on others, my communication style changed for the better.

Instead of making a point more forcefully, I became more persuasive when I took the time to understand others. Instead of being nice to ensure people felt comfortable, I learned to express differences directly, which earned their respect. Instead of trying hard to be impressive, I was honest about my imperfections, which made me more trustworthy.

We spend a third of our lives at work, yet many of us are dissatisfied with the experience.

Sooner or later, many of us make up our minds that we want more from our work than merely a paycheck. We want to accomplish challenging goals and be satisfied with a job well done. But more than that, we want to enjoy a sense of connection with our teammates. Interpersonal issues can disrupt all of this when left unresolved.

Many organizations take an aspirational approach to culture with values like authenticity, empathy, trust, and respect.Yet, conflict and drama will persist without a reliable way of implementing these values in complex situations.

This is where we come in.

Melody Markel


I became deeply interested in relational dynamics when I was still in elementary school.

As a kid, I moved a lot. My parents and I moved on average once per year, so I was always “the new kid”. I’ve been that new kid all over the U.S. and Europe too.

Growing up, I felt like I was different from the other kids, maybe even a little weird, and I had a lot of experiences that were confusing. For example, I would notice that nobody laughed when I said something that I thought was funny. But the next day, somebody else would say something similar, and everybody would laugh! And I started to wonder — why is that? What am I missing?

I later came to realize that the constant moving prevented me from creating a shared history with the other kids, and it also made it hard to rely on a shared cultural background. Really though, missing out on these key ingredients of childhood friendship is what eventually ignited my passion for personal development, and has since fueled a meaningful career.

In my early twenties, I had the opportunity to hang out at the Integral Center in Boulder, Colorado. We went deep into the science and art of relationality, Integral Theory, leadership, and personal development. Through a lot of training and practice, I developed the relational skills to have people feel deeply seen and understood by me, in both large and small group settings.

A few years later I became the youngest senior faculty member ever hired at the Integral Center. Here, I began my professional relationship with Porch.

Around the same time, I also started training with various Native and Indigenous lineages from North, Central, and South America. This, along with my work at The Integral Center, is what I credit most as making me who I am today.

Through both of those avenues, I’ve had the immense privilege to explore the topic that is most dear to me: connection. Connection with self and connection with others, in a true and authentic way.

Connection with self and connection with others, in a true and authentic way.

The MetaRelating Mission

Our mission is to evolve relational intelligence in the workforce to create thriving, happy humans, and world class teams.

Our Core Values

Personal Responsibility

Each of us is accountable for our part in every relationship, and our healthiest
relationships are those where each one of us takes responsibility for our contribution.

Systematic Approach

A specific model with clear processes for relational communication will foster healthy
and thriving relationships when practiced regularly.

Shared Purpose

The potential of a relationship becomes greater when each individual is oriented towards a purpose shared with the other.

Learning and Growth

A growth mindset and consistent effort will develop our relational capacities, foster healthy, thriving relationships, and actualize more of our potential.

Shared Humanity

Though each of us is unique and different, we need others to survive and thrive, and valuing every person’s fundamental worth helps bring out their best as well as our own.


Living true to ourselves is essential to our most rewarding relationships and is worth the courage it requires to transcend the limitations of our social personas.


Listening receptively and understanding one another brings us into connection and this forms a basis for mutual comprehension, cooperation, and compassion.


An effective approach to healthy and thriving relationships can be used harmoniously by people from across a wide variety of backgrounds, worldviews, cultures, religions, and philosophies.

Mutual Consent

A relationship progresses in a healthy way when each person affirms with the other their choices to participate in how the how the relationship develops.


Relationships become strong and healthy as we live according to our values, behave in alignment with our agreements, and when we fail to do so, we then do what’s needed to make things right.

Universal Love

Caring for the highest good on behalf of one another and ourselves, with kindness, compassion, and benevolence is the heart of fulfilling and vital relating.


How we relate with each other shapes our collective future at all levels — from those nearest to us, to our communities, organizations, and society as a whole.


Kendra Cunov

Practioner, Coach, and Facilitator of Relational, Embodiment, and Intimacy work

Founder of The Collective: A Global Web of Women Devoted to Embodied Wholeness and The Fierce Grace Incubator, Kendra Cunov has been studying, facilitating, and practicing Authentic Relating, Embodiment & Deep Intimacy Work for over twenty years.

She co-founded Authentic World as well as The Embodied Relationship Training Salon and pioneered some of the most cutting-edge relational work on the planet.

Kendra has worked with thousands of men, women & couples in the areas of embodiment, intimacy, communication, and full self-expression.

She works with organizations & leaders, as well as men, women & couples, who know that embodied presence, truth, connection & integrity are our truest access points to success – in business & in love.

Brian Robertson is the world’s foremost expert on Holacracy, a revolutionary framework for self-managing organizations. After years as CEO of an award-winning software company, he co-founded HolacracyOne to share this innovative method with other organizations.

The Holacracy framework integrates the collective wisdom of individuals throughout an organization and offers a toolset for each person to enact meaningful change at any level of work.

The result is increased transparency, greater accountability, constant innovation, and agility across the company.

Holacracy is used by over 1000 companies today – in healthcare, insurance, banking, retail, technology, nonprofit and government sectors and in places as diverse as Dubai, Shanghai, Amsterdam, London, Berlin, New York, Bangalore, Las Vegas and rural Africa.

Brian is thrilled to see this method take root and grow with such force. Brian is the author of the book Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World. He speaks at conferences, holds trainings and consults for organizations across the globe.

Brian Robertson

Founding Member & Partner


Dr. Susan Campbell, Ph.D.

Trainer, Consultant, Author

Susan Campbell, Ph.D. is a practicing psychologist, relationship coach, author, speaker, workshop leader, trainer of professional coaches, college professor, and certified Radical Honesty trainer. She is the founding teacher of the Getting Real work, a body of communication and awareness practices that foster personal healing and social evolution.

Susan received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in 1967, then became a member of their graduate faculty, where she founded their couple and family therapy graduate program in 1971. She has also received extensive post-doctoral training in couple and family therapy, group dynamics, organization development, and Buddhist psychology.

As a San Francisco Gestalt Institute faculty member and an Adjunct Faculty at Saybrook Graduate School, Susan trains therapists to integrate her Getting Real communication tools into their professional practices. She trains and certifies professional Getting Real coaches in her unique approach to coaching and group facilitation. In her private practice, she works with singles, couples, co-workers, and work teams, helping them communicate respectfully and responsibly when conflicts arise.

She has written eleven books on relationships, including several best-sellers. Her titles are: Getting Real, Saying What’s Real, Truth in Dating, The Couples Journey: Intimacy As A Path To Wholeness, Beyond the Power Struggle, and From Chaos to Confidence: Survival Strategies for the New Workplace.

Susan’s work with couples has been featured on national television, including CNN’s News Night and Good Morning America.

She has been published widely in magazines such as Self, New Woman, and Cosmopolitan. In 2003-2004, she was the couples therapist on the reality TV show Truth in Love, which aired on UPN, an ABC affiliate network.She’s spoken to corporate audiences on such topics as Surfing Chaos, Honest Feedback in the Workplace, Coping with Constant Change, How to Build a Winning Team, and Dealing with Difficult People. Susan leads public seminars on topics such as Real Intimacy, Getting Real Confidence, Gestalt Therapy, Getting Real, Truth in Dating, and Truth at Work.

Robert MacNaughton is an executive coach, facilitator, and startup strategist who specializes in balancing cultural alignment and performance.

Robert has supported fast-growth CEOs, executives, and investment firm leaders in resolving the gaps between their vision, roadmap, team alignment, and sustainable execution.

Robert founded the Integral Center in Boulder, Colorado, in association with renowned philosopher Ken Wilber, which hosted an international community of thought leaders, practitioners, and "evolutionaries."

As its CEO, Robert led five profit centers, supervising over 100 contractors, teachers, facilitators, and community leaders in over 25 cities globally.

Robert MacNaughton

Executive Coach and Facilitator

Neuberg Gore & Integral Centered

Jana Wilder & Molly Strong


Meet Your Magic

Jana (having led Simon Sinek’s team for over a decade) and Molly (having been among the first 100 employees at Dropbox as an operational linchpin) combined forces in 2020 to create Meet Your Magic.

Their serious business chops combine with grounded spirituality and relational expertise to create the ideal conditions for entrepreneurs, coaches, CEOs, artists, change-makers (and everything in between) to get the courage, choice and clarity they need to take their shot.

Robbie Carlton is host of The Sane and Miraculous podcast.

He thinks, writes, and speaks on many things, with varying amounts of credibility.

A sometime coach and NLP practitioner, and teacher of relational practices, he’s currently on a mission to free the cultural imagination from the limited adherence to modern metaphysics, a task somewhat above his pay grade.

In the day time he helps computers talk to each other.

Robbie Carlton

Host of The Sane and Miraculous podcast

Thomas Thomison

Founding Member & Partner

Thomas Thomison is a seasoned entrepreneur and enterprise builder:  Birthing power-shifted organizations, cultivating decentralized communities, and rewriting the rules of capital, work, and relationships.

A co-founder of HolacracyOne, LLC, in 2007, Thomas helped develop and mature Holacracy® into a leading replacement for conventional management power hierarchies.

In 2015, he co-launched llc to upgrade underlying business legal, capital, and social structures with the same self-organizing principles embedded in practices like Holacracy®.

In 2019, launched PowerShift Capital LLC, an organization focused on sourcing and deploying resources for purposeful power-shifted projects. And in 2020, birthed PowerShift People, LLC, to create a global community of independent, purpose-aligned workers.

Thomas identifies more as an experimentalist - living into principles and practices that change how individuals work, earn a living, and relate with one another.

Christopher Breedlove is a designer, community builder, and experiential producer. Christopher currently works as the Director of Civic Activation at the Burning Man Project, where he oversees the Burners Without Borders (BWB), Regional Network, Global Art Grants, and Civic Arts programs and sits on the leadership group for the Burning Man Environmental Sustainability Roadmap in San Francisco, California.

At Burning Man Project, Christopher has spearheaded several strategy expansions for BWB, including developing the Civic Ignition Grant Program and the Mobile Resource Unit (MRU). While creating a more decentralized leadership system, he has expanded the education offerings with online meet-ups, toolkits, and in-person summits in Northern Nevada. He has overseen several response projects, including Standing Rock, Calais Refugee Camp, and other disaster relief projects.

As an educator, Christopher speaks on several topics: Burning Man, Culture Building, Design Thinking for Social Impact, Community Building, and Art as Social Dialogue.  He also hosts several workshops, including Democratic Grant Giving, Human-Centered Design (HCD), and Collaborative Effigy Building.

Christopher Breedlove

Director, Civic Activation

Burning Man Project

Sources and Acknowledgements

There are many sources, influences, and key collaborations behind MetaRelating which we acknowledge here.